Online Video Counseling,Teaching,
Training, & Consultation
Twenty-five years ago I began to extend my face-to-face counseling practice to include people who are beyond my geographic location.
Over this length of time, I have had the honor and the privilege of providing video counseling, training, mentoring, and consultation to people from all over the world. I have been blessed and honored to assist and facilitate the personal, interpersonal, and transpersonal growth and transformation of some very special people in Australia, England, Ireland, Japan, Pakistan, Mexico, Africa, Afghanistan, Alaska, Hawaii, California, and other states within the USA.
It is my daily vision and passion to continue to engage people of all ages, from differing cultural backgrounds, walks of life, and varying belief systems in a therapeutic process of core-Self wisdoming; an intimate visceral wisdoming capable of actualizing and sustaining higher states of everyday consciousness, embodied wellness, emotional intelligence, creativity, compassion, boundless intimacy, intuition, motivation, productivity and peak performance.
teaching, training, mentoring, coaching, counseling, or consultation session. Click Here to fill our my intake form. All video counseling, training, and mentoring session fees are paid for by either Visa, Amex, or Master Card. All you have to do to schedule a counseling session is fill out the on-line counseling intake
You can schedule your Phone Session by simply filling Out the Information Form that Opens when you
to either your fee or Intake Information, just email me at the box below or call my office number at (808) 880-1395 DrB@ZenDoctor.Com
All video, telephone, and email communications are kept strictly confidential. Only two exceptions exist to confidentiality: 1) When I have knowledge that a client is a serious danger to self or others, and 2) When there is any indication that a child, elder, or disabled person is at risk because of abuse or neglect. In either case, I would need to notify the social agencies in your area. |